There are a lot of prejudices for this subject that I want to clear now. So, we will undertake some kind of clearing. When reading this text just try to contemplate is there any deeper connection with you, are you a “good” person. Whatever you conclude is great, because some toxic definition you holding on could just disappear by becoming aware of it.
There is a list of things that you may be doing unconsciously or consciously just because you think that it represents a “good” person:
1. Helping others WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION / Helping others WHO NEVER ASKED FOR your HELP
This one for sure “stands out in the crowd.”
This is a huge NO NO. And this is not appropriate for MANY REASONS.
First of all, there is something called FREE WILL, and by doing anything in somebody else life without their permission is VIOLATING THEIR FREE WILL, and this will not pass unnotedly from the Universal Laws. By anything, I mean everything including helping.
For giving and sending love you do not need any permission.
Cause, basically, that is interference - “helping” others in that way and it is act of violence. I know it seems strange from a human standpoint, but there is no difference between aggression, helping or whatever you are doing to somebody without their permission, or without they ask you for it. It is contrary to free will and will inevitably create, well not so good results lightly speaking. And the Laws will always work.
It is some kind of aggression.
So, you are not doing good when helping other who never asked you to help them.
Secondly, helping others without their permission or their asking, comes from not so good place inside you. It comes from place “I know better than you how to run YOUR LIFE.” Very EGO thinking, very arrogant.
It comes from thinking “I am better than you.” It is from energy standpoint exactly like you just said to them: “I don’t believe in you. I don’t think you can handle your life by yourself. I know better. “ The statements like those are simply NOT TRUTH. It is literally taking their life power from them and belittling them. Those people (“helpers”) are always doing it because of themselves not because of others, because by belittling other they are feeling bigger and more significant.
Also, people who are unconsciously think that they are bad in some way, by helping others they are feeling better and filling that hole inside them. Totally wrong. They should face their “bad” places and resolve it, heal it, not burying it by running all around "helping" others as act of currently feeling better.
If you are a helper, you are probably also clinging on the archetype of “savior” also. Hidden beliefs are: “ I know all, all others are stupid or less than me.” Paradoxically, as you likely noticed from your own experience, people who are “helping” others are by rule a complete mess. It is truth that people who are dealing with other people lives without asking to do so, are not having focus on their life at all.
Or, maybe you as a “helper” are feel pity for people? Again, this is belittling them. People are powerful human beings with consciousness and they DO have choices.
Every human being is here with their own mission and theme in life, which THEY CAN FULFILL SUCCESSFULLY.
You could help them by encouraging them and reminding them that and sharing love and positive vibrations, but not “helping” them without their permission.
You can do the best for them by supporting them to resolve whatever is there for them.
If you find yourself as “helper”, your lesson is then to learn how to RESPECT OTHERS AND THEIR CHOICES. Furthermore, you would need to learn that we are all equal, and that we are here with different agendas. Not all people are having the same desires like you, everybody are wanting something different from life believe it or not. Then, learn how to face your life challenges and resolve it, because this is the universal reason why each one of us is here. When you resolve your things then people will look at you and you will be guiding light for them in the best way. You can heal yourself by answering honestly to yourself on those questions:
Why did you want to help in the first place?
What did you expect in return? Recognition? Adoration?
Why were you thinking that you know better?
If the person never asked you for help, how you would know for sure that he/she needs that what you were thinking?
Would you consider yourself a “better” person because you helped?
What would happen if you helped anonymously, would there be any difference?
How could you provide love and support to that person regarding the same subject?
What you could do, instead of "helping" so that person could feel refreshed after that, expanded, confident, with more self-esteem and self-love?