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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic


Updated: May 29, 2024


With our narrowed and blurred perspective, many times we see external reality as some bad / negative aspect or influence on us. We struggle to understand it, to accept it, we battle, refuse, reject. That is what creates disharmony in us. And disharmony could be manifested as some disease, discomfort. We labeled some situations or part of us as “bad”, but this is not the highest truth. Highest truth is always something bigger, more beautiful with many blessing and lessons hidden for us in every single moment.

We can look at our narrowed perspectives as our “shadows”. And every shadow could be transformed into pure light. Through

Theta healing sessions we put some Divine light into those shadows which than could be healed and released for good, with lessons learned, so you can move on. Incorporation of all “shadows” in our lives brings balance and health. Body is not something separated from us. There is divine, loving relationship between our soul and our body.

Our body is messenger of the soul.

Your body shows you what your soul wants to be complete in order to thrive and expand. Accepting that your body is actually intelligent messenger which tells you something about your inner world, divinity or inner struggles and conflicts - is essentially BEING RESPONSIBLE. So, just try to accept that YOUR DISEASE IS IN SOME RELATION WITH YOU, somehow. Take responsibility for it, not guilty but responsibility. That will move you in TOTALLY new direction for sure, in direction of healing and transcending the disorder.

Every disharmony that we have, could be from this life, past lives or from our DNA and ancestors. No matter what is the origin and cause, if any

kind of ailment, disease or disorder is present in your life- then it is also ready to be HEALED. But for any healing it is also important to have WILL TO BE HEALED. It takes courage and honesty to really look deep into yourself in order to transform it. I realized through my healing practice that not everybody really wants to be healed. Or maybe they do but they just do not have courage enough to change their life or sometimes people are just not ready. So, you need to have it all: willingness, courage and honesty for healing to occur. It is totally fine from Universe’s perspective if you are going to heal something or not. You have entire life to heal it, and if you don’t you can always come back! What is really important is this: THERE IS POSSIBILITY AND OPTION FOR YOU TO HEAL IT RIGHT-NOW AND RIGHT-HERE. IT IS POSSIBLE. YOU CHOOSE. WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE WILL BE GOOD.

  • My Body is divine representation of myself.

  • I know from Divine perspective what is the role of my body in my life.

  • I know how to respect and nurture my body in highest way.

  • I can learn from my disease.

  • I listen and appreciate every message which my body is giving to me.

  • I know how to listen my body.

  • My body is intelligent.

  • My disease is my ally which guides me to understand my soul’s needs and lessons.

  • I know how to transcendent all my diseases into perfect health.

  • It is possible for me to have perfect health.

  • I know how to create balance in my mind, emotions and life.

  • I forgive myself.

  • I forgive others.

  • I know how to move on.

References / Books recommended for further reading:

  1. Valery Sinelnikov; Love your disease

  2. Joman Romero (2015); Knowing ourselves

  3. Julia Cannon (2013); Soul speak, the language of your body

  4. Vianna Stibal (2008,2011); Theta healing, Diseases and disorders

  5. Louise Hay (2004); Heal your body, The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them

  6. Louise Hay (1998); Heal Your Body A-Z: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them

  7. Louise Hay (1982, 1984, 1988); Heal Your Body

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