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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic

Earth is MY HOME

Updated: May 28, 2024

“Earth is MY HOME. I rule here.”

If you have been here many times (hundreds of lives on Earth) then you will feel like you truly belong here on Earth. You will understand all human behaviors, customs and tradition and this would be very pleasant for you.

If you find this world attractive, wishing yourself to be more successful, to create material stuff, to generate money and wealth, to buy more houses, cars, to be popular then this world fits you a lot. You appreciate this world the way it is now for centuries and you would not change it a bit. You do not like any changes and uncertainty. Life is set of rules and is predictive. If you do this – that will happen and so. You have established the plan for your life, when you are going to get married, have children and so. No rooms for mistakes and second guessing. The GOALS MUST BE ACHIEVED AT ANY COST. Humble and nice people you would reject as stupid, naïve, foolish. You will have one goal in your life - to inherit considerable wealth and to produce many heirs. Children, children, children because you need to “leave someone after you.” In order to this you design this from the day one of your life, or someone else did it for you, and how the years goes by you do everything that you can to fulfill those obligation through education, job and marriage. Unforgiveness is your representation of vigorous character.

Your key word is POWER.

You consume everything as it is with no questioning. Other people opinions are crucially important for you, being socially accepted so you will do anything for that because that is important for you. BLEND IN AND BE ACCEPTED. Institutions are important to you, and you believe in them and hierarchy. You are always in some competition and like winning. You are fine with that to work the job that you hate as long as it generates money. It is also ok for you to hang out with people you do not like if it’s good for business. Maybe you do not love your wife, but she is great for the children and has great family history and family name. You find all of these normal and necessary. So, you do many things in your life because you SHOULD, MUST OR NEED. Life is harsh, and you are willing and ok to be harmed and to harm people when there is need, because you think this is the definition of being brave.


You have a fear of poverty, of being alone, of being ridiculous, etc. and you will do anything to prevent that, this is your DUTY.

You catch yourself melancholic and sorry for the past and at the same time having fears about your future. You feel like someone could ATTACK you or your family. You need to be prepared. Everybody should act, behave and look the same. Everybody who is different will be alienated from the society and left behind. You like concrete, metal, glass and monumental architectures. You admire human engineering and progress. You dream to OWN, POSSES AND CONTROL. “A struggle makes you stronger.“ MISTAKE is big “no no“ word for you. On some subconscious level you are constantly afraid for being punished, not feeling safe because you know deep down that you are in KARMA GAME.

Your punch line: “Form is important. Essence – who cares?” (it is important how things look like not what really is.).

Your mission on Earth: to resolve accumulated karma and fear.

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