Here on Earth is great diversity of beings of all sorts. There are countless numbers of various plants, animals, minerals, but also other species like humans and all kinds of extraterrestrials, etc. We all have different agendas but we gathered here to cooperate in harmonious way – together.
It is very important to understand that and your substantial role here in this play.
Humans are not here for the same purpose. Some of you were here for many times living hundreds of lives and others are not.
In general, those of you who were here so many times are caught up in the wheel of karma, of the learning curve, learning through opposites, through intense experiences. You can experience many, many lives exploring just one theme from numerous angles to have as a soul, full understanding of that theme. And you have been performing this for thousands of years. Gratulations! Presently is the unique opportunity since Earth is going up vibrationally, that you make a choice. This is planed since the beginning. Earth will no longer be the place for exploration of negatives, balancing the karma and etc. So, all of you have now the choice – if you want to stay here you need releasing the karma and all negativity in order to rise the vibration and stay on this new Earth; or, you can continue to work on your challenges, negativity and karma but you will be then given opportunity to work on it on some other places in the Universe. This is nothing new actually, since before coming here on Earth, the souls were resolving their negativity first on Maldek (which is then destroyed), followed by lives on Mars (which is also partially destroyed and not habitual for humans any more), and then you came to Earth. Now, you will proceed if you wish in that manner but on some other place. Both choices are valid, but you must choose since there is no time anymore for doubting. To find more click here.
The other group (in the most generalized way of speaking) are those who are not domestic here on Earth, which have only few lives here on Earth. Those people in general we call Starseeds. As its name implicates, those are the people from other Stars, other systems so much different than Earth and are benevolent.
Starseeds are here to introduce new energies on the Earth, to impart higher vibrations and higher knowledge. This is the part of Earth evolution, to attain higher vibrational state and to become more benevolent, so we are here to help. To find more about Starseed click here.
As a Starseeds, we decided that the best way to influence this specific time period on Earth was to incarnate into this reality and in that way to provide higher vibrations.
We knew that this would be very challenging but we accepted it anyway.
We knew not all people would be ready for those higher vibration. but still we wanted to try.
For Starseed, as highly sensitive person as it is, many times it is very difficult to bear this negative realty. As it states for any other high vibration, people who poses very low vibration do not perceive us at all. Because to detect something you actually need to be on that vibration. Nevertheless, we impart our high vibration into a human collective and contribute even in that way, with our way of thinking, living, acting – through just being.
So, Starseeds have that inner knowledge of other worlds, other ways of being. They bear that inner connection with Spirit all the time and radiate it all over. Some of us, as Starseed are playing the role of healers. I have been here just a couple of times before, just enough so I could understand humans and their way of living. So, as human I appreciate all people and their challenges, but as Starseed I know for sure that this could be way much better and I guide people through that path, by resolving their karma, fear and their blockages (when they allow me to do that).
The novel way of living, new communities, new existence based on more benevolent experiences.
Therefore, Starseeds are here to establish the new path on Earth, some that have never been here before but is possible.
There are additionally many other benevolent star beings who radiate their love without being incarnate here on Earth, and those beings are popularly called “aliens” or nicer word “extraterrestrials”. They also, in their own way introduce those higher vibrations into this reality. And they are here for eons. Earth is just a place in the Universe. It is not our human property so many, many being claim rights here on Earth. Earth itself is like Multiverse with many different beings having the same rights. If you comprehend this, it will be much easier for you to understand upcoming events. *We are all part of this puzzle here on Earth and each one of us is important and have something to contribute and be respective member of this reality. This is the gorgeous challenging times so stay connected to your higher self and well-grounded to get through these transformational ages easier.