I always remain speechless when someone (here and then) asks me something about my personal experiences regarding spirituality or other.
They are trying to understand their life through my experiences?!
And this is not coming from people wanting to know me better, who care for me or from curiosity.
This comes from a very specific kind of people – people who do not understand that for true spirituality there is no guiding book!
I can sense that they do not care for me at all! These people just want to be provided with a recipe (to-do-list) for successful life/spiritual path or something.
But what you can actually learn is how I was dealing with specific circumstances or what is my attitude about life or similar. And you can use that and apply it for your specific situation.
Each and every single one of you came here for some your own specific experiences which has a value only for you – not for me. I could learn nothing from your illness or your abusive childhood experiences, nothing. I can have sympathy for you but not learn.
And every single experience has hidden lessons, blessings and gifts designed specifically for you. Some, on the surface, same experiences provide different kind of lessons for different kind of people.
Theta healing session are divinely guided channeled sessions, which do not come from my personal experiences. Very rarely I am guided to tell the client about something that I experienced but it is just when it is highly needed for some reason guided from the Spirit.
Every person is unique. Every life path is unique. It is not about blindly following specific rules in life, neither some specific spiritual practices. This is not spirituality. There is no RIGHT or WRONG. There is only what is good for you and what is not. As simple as that! You know those people which are always fallowing the rules, doing “right” things and even then, they are not happy or facing some bad things also? You know – because life is not about that, it is not business contract where is stated “if you do this -that is gong to happened for sure”. There is no such thing. Growing spiritually is more like awakening process. It is about releasing fear and karma in general. It is about rising your vibration. And by rising your vibration you are changing your behavior patterns, attitude, perspectives, everything about you changes! And if some spiritual practice fits you and really resonates with you it is OK, you can practice it and grow through that. But it is not for sure “the only way” or “the only right way”. It can be very very good for you but not for me. Sorry. It is not about all of us following the same exact path. Also, it is not about changing the world around you but about changing yourself! It is not that all around you is bad, but it is your lesson to learn how to deal with it in the highest and loving way.
I witnessed, on my sessions, that Spirit has different message for every single person. There is not even one message which applies for everybody! #Dare to be your true unique self! It is worthy of trying.
SO, the question is not: WHAT HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED,
I am unique.
I know from highest perspective what uniqueness really is and how it feels.
It is OK for me to be unique.
I allow others to be their own version of themselves, to be unique.
I understand from highest perspective how to live my daily life with no comparing with others.
It is safe and secure for me to have my own life path.
I am grateful for all my experiences.
I know how to learn and grow from all my experiences.
I understand my life path.
I am welcoming all new experiences coming towards me.
I am happy about what future can bring to me.
I can be fear - free.
It is possible for me to release karma and be free.