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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic


Updated: May 29, 2024


This is the era of feminine energies on the Earth.

It is not important if you are man or woman those energies are present, expanding and working toward you, through you and with you.


Feminine energy is energy of peace. It is benevolent. It is related to receptivity, openness, accepting, welcoming. Feminine energies are energies of the heart. I bet that majority of you has been taught through life to listen to your head, to think clearly, to be wise and to put wishes of your heart behind. Cause heart is something crazy, something non-logical, irrational, it can lead you to many bad choices, right? Remember those times when you were hurt a lot only because you followed you heart, right? WRONG!


The heart’s EMF (electromagnetic fields) is not 5, not 50, not 500 but 5000 times more powerful than the electromagnetic field created by the brain! So, the next time you fall into believe that your brain is commander of your world and rules everything– think again! Cause heart runs all the time, don’t shut that wisdom down!


Actually, what really happened was that you obeyed voice of your heart and followed those scary beliefs, convictions and opinions from your mind. Because every single belief which tells you that you aren’t good enough, that you are more/less than others, that you should run, which make you insecure and frightened doesn’t came from your heart at all! You know how I know this for sure?

Because energy of the heart is only good, warming, empowering, calming, nurturing energy. It is the energy from the Source itself (God, Creator of All that is). And that voice of the Source/Heart is loving, caring, full of compassion and understanding. It knows everything about you and still loves you and wishes you the best! This energy from your heart is also gentle and subtle and not aggressive and pushing like the voice which comes from your head. Once you turn your attention to hear this voice, this music coming from your heart - it is life changing. This tiny little voice tells you many beautiful things about you and the world around you, it makes you feel better, uplifting, empowering. It is our birthright and natural state to feel good so we are naturally attracted to that energy from our heart. It takes some time, in the beginning after years and years of closing your heart to start to acknowledge its power again. It takes some effort but it is more natural since it is really naturally the strongest energy in you as we learned earlier (5000 times more than brain -remember?). So it is like coming home. Your heart, your Source energy, your Divinity in you has beautiful plans for you. It is abundant and unlimited source of love and beauty, perfection for you. Just open for that. That is feminine energy – openness.


Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Take some time in breathing in and out to calm yourself down. Now focus your attention to your heart. Try to feel it. Try to feel the warmness in your chests. It is maybe subtle warm feeling but it is there waiting for you to recognize it. Acknowledge that warmness inside you. Imagine now that inside of you, in the place where your physical heart is, is ball of light. What color is this ball, how it looks like, is it spinning or standing still? Now imagine that ball of light becomes lighter, full of beautiful white light, sparkling and glowing all over it. Now imagine that ball is expanding, and expand it as much as you can – through all of your body and all around you. Notice how you feel. Ask your heart for some message for you right now. Tell you heart that you will listening it from now and more acknowledge it presence. Tell your heart that you appreciate all that it has done for you up till now. Say thank you to your heart. You can tell this in your mind or out loud, however feel right for you. Again, notice how you feel and open your eyes.


  • Do you know your real desires of your heart? What is it actually?

  • How many times you followed this inner urge from your heart and what happened in that case?

  • What bad could happen if you actually - for real listen your heart and follow it?

  • Are feelings a bad thing?

  • Why is this stupid and non-acceptable for you? (to follow your heart)

  • My heart is my connection to Source energy.

  • The energy of my heart and my Source are the same. This energy  is light, wave and particle at the same time. Energy and information are the same thing. This light from my heart is life-giving.

  • I have female wisdom energy in my heart.

  • I radiate love and compassion.

  • My mind and my heart could work in perfect harmony together, with my heart leading and lightening the way.


References / Recommended books for further reading:

  1. Paul Pearsall (1998), The Heart’s Code

  2. Gregg Braden (2015), Resilience from the Heart

  3. Robert Shapiro (2006), Shamanic secrets to spiritual mastery

  4. Alberto Villoldo (2018), The heart of the shaman

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