I am highly moved to write on some subjects since there are still people who do not understand this whole story of awakening and healing.
The process goes from a place of dark to a place of physical and emotional healing; to a place of understanding and knowledge your life mission, and a profound connection to the light of your Self.
Each one of us has a unique journey back to Self. So, acknowledge that all your problems are not going to disappear only if you think positive. You need to face your fears and traumas in order to heal them and only after that come higher vibrations and insights and ascension etc. Don’t be living in the illusion that you can skip those healing processes, no way! That is just fake life, where you are in denial about yourself and not willing to truly be healed and cleared from deep toxic emotions, beliefs and so. There is no true progress but just temporarily better feeling. Highly important to be noted is that healers of any kind are not here for the people who are definite and fixed in their beliefs.
As it is shown on the picture below there are people who are in a dark place generally and do not want any progression, help or healing . So, we could state that they are in fixed left dark position. And there are people who are awakened, positive, creating wonderful life which represents right position on the picture. These are the one who already made their choice and they are living their life in enlightenment already.
So, healers are not here for people who do not want progression, awakening and who just do not believe in anything good. And this is perfectly fine since there is free will - these spirits are totally free to do whatever they want. Healers are not here to save them or to convince them in the existence of Light and Love. These are usually people who always looking for some kind of proof. And they will not get any since in order to witnessing something you must be at that vibrational state.
Don’t feel pity or superior over these people who do not wish to change their lives for better, or to ascend, or to be awakened or so. It is perfectly fine and acceptable from the Creator’s eye, since they will have still opportunity to do that in some other place. They still have to do it anyway just not now and not with you. It is ok.
Also, healers are not here for enlightened beings sort of speak, since every awakened person is healer itself and creates consciously its own reality. So, they can do it by themselves. And these two polarities between people who are ready to ascend and people who do not wish that is just becoming greater and greater in this period of transition. Be aware of that.
Whom the healer could then help????
We, as healers are here for those who are somewhere in between, who are still not definite, who are indeterminate, wandering through the place, longing for better life and not knowing how to accomplish that. We are here for people who have deep inner desire for creating some wonderful things on Earth but somehow, they just can’t perform it. For people who are not questioning, who are strongly in their belief - either in dark or light they do not need help. Healers are here for the people WHO ARE QUESTIONING, who live wandering between dark and light constantly without visible exit. And they are many...
Healers are here for those also who know that there is something more about life, more than just finishing education, get some job and get married. (That kind of predicted life is just PURE PROGRAMMING, SLAVERY anyway, since it is a fact that we are all different and unique how can it be that we should all live the same lives? Think about that.)
As many times told, Healers are not saviors. Healer could - if you are ALLOWING THAT, help you to release your blockages and fears, to resolve your traumas and have better understanding about your life. Healer could direct you to your path but – you still need to go through it!
There is no way that you just can sit down and wait for everything to resolve by itself. You must go through your lessons since you as a soul have created them for yourself! On the Theta healing sessions you can get higher picture of why something has happened, or why somebody was “bad” to you but guess what? It is you who must go after that insights and make some actions toward that in order to create change. If actions are missing, well don’t expect great positive changes to come. If you have been working on your self and positive changes are missing then you must know that you are in stuck position, procrastination, refusing to make some decisions, moves and actions.
Nothing is moving because it is your move! The ball is in your part of the field so don’t hesitate and deny.
What have you done practically to make your life better?
Maybe you need to create some different relations with people?
Maybe you need to start wearing different outfit?
Maybe it is time to move to a city that you always dreamt about?
Maybe it is time to reevaluate your life values?
Be aware, when you start your spiritual journey great things are going to fall apart, many relationships with your old friends, partners and family will fall apart and everything in your life which is not aligned with your higher path, will go away so be prepared for that. If that is lacking, if your life is still the same after huge spiritual work, be sure that you are not doing your part and just floating in the nowhere zone.
Have courage, face your fears, face circumstances in your life and make some decisions - it was always your part. It so important to act through your life, if you are just standing - well maybe you are still in victimhood mode waiting for somebody else or the Universe itself to save you. Just go for what you want! Be bold! Be brave! The Universe is beautiful and I am sorry if you can't see that but I am not pitying you. I acknowledge you as Divine powerful being who with its free will chooses that kind of reality. Love for you all.