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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic


Updated: May 28, 2024

Firstly, let's make some distinctions here. Many things could be healed if just we name the things properly.

Many times, we suffer just because of lack of accurate understanding. So, this text will hopefully bring some clarifications.

There you have what people conventionally call KARMIC RELATIONSHIPS.

What is it? Those are the soul contracts with other souls/people with whom you had some previous lifetime experiences and still have some karma with them to resolve. Let say – unfinished business. You two had some past life experiences which could be negative and, in that case, you agree to come together in this life in that form of partnership TO RESOLVE any negativity between you; to learn the lessons and move on! Those experiences are very hard usually with many ups and downs and often are very toxic. I find out that in most cases people do not comprehend this at all. How to recognize you are in such one? Karmic relationships happen just like that, with zero efforts and in the beginning, everything is happening just easy. No matter how you feel it just there! There is a distinct feeling that it was inevitable for you to meet, for any reason. Remarkably soon after getting into relationship problems arouses but somehow you can’t go. You don't like it, experience is not good, there is no love just tons of obligations and conditioning but still you are there. You always have excuses to leave that relationship or marriage, you have kids or something – Excuses, excuses, excuses…People looking at you as a couple could not figure it out what the hell connected you in first place, but you are together anyway. Simply – KARMA. Usual comment of the polite people: you two are so different! There are also people with whom we had delightful experiences in past life and they may come as soul mates in this life if there is a need and if it is in alignment with our Divine life mission. Those experiences could be truly beautiful. It seems that love just continue. You nothing but meet and there is love which is bigger than anything you felt before. Relationship with those people is so easy and very loving and touching long-term experience. Comment: soul mate relationships are also very functional one. It is not just love, love, love all day long. It is so much more than that, they are true and real, rooted into physicality and everyday life.

Just resonating

But there are in addition some other connections with people who are just resonating with you in some way. With them you do not have any karma, and they are not significant at all but are part of your journey. It is crucially important to understand that. Usually, people are very confused and do not distinct sexual attraction or lust from true soul mate feelings. This is a very treacherous ground. Because reality is always reflecting you back your inner world, so does the relationships do.

Anything you contain in yourself will attract the same thing, person into your reality. So, if you are full of fears, you will attract someone who also has that specific fear per example. And having those same fears will create an illusion of understanding. Fears per example, are mostly rooted in the first two chakras where also sexuality is, so you will feel the great sexual attraction to that person. It doesn’t mean it is your soul mate. It is simply the attraction and is there for you to resolve your fears and move on. Here could be present something like mental recognition. Since you have same negative beliefs, you will understand each other mentally – but still, no soul mate connection. Usual superficial comment: You are the same!


are people with whom you feel deep connection, beyond logic. But it still doesn’t mean you need or should be together. Many of your soulmates from past life could be here like friends, parents or business partners. Soul mates recognize each other at the first meeting, there is deep underlying current of understanding and trust. Soul mates share deep love and passion which is very different from a sexual craving. Unfortunately, many people do not understand this and make from every single relationship they experience the soul mate one. So, no true. Soul mate is also someone who truly inspires you, who supports the best in you and you in them. With them you can create something; the feeling is fulfilling and deep. Usual comment of the people: you are so complementing each other.


For distinction it is very substantial to pay attention when did you meet your “soul mate”? In which state of mind, emotions you were when you meet them? True soul mate will come and appear at your best, when you are souring high with the splendidest energy and positive feeling. Because your soul mate is solely that – love and light. Those people you encounter when you are down, when you are going true some hard period, tragedies, divorces or something are certainly not your soul mates. They are just invited by that darkness inside you and are also full of that same toxic feeling inside them. Because nothing good could come out from that toxic base inside you. There is no way, by the Laws of the Universe, that you can feel extremely down, bad or depressed and to birth wonderful relationships from there. From that you can only develop some kind of sexual relationship but not soul mate. If you satisfied with this – great! Therefore, reconsider this: Are you feeling miserable, anxious, nervous, do you have fears about life in any way? Those represent all toxic feelings; they are normal and maybe justified in some cases but still toxic. I suggest first to heal all of that and then go into the relationship, because all of that will stick with you. Simply – if you are not good for yourself, you will not be good for the others. And partners are not there to heal you, save you or fix you. This is not the Divine definition of partner or partnership.


For me as a healer and intuitive it is really clear when people are coming together from the place of first and second chakra, and when they are connecting with each other from the heart chakra. Difference is like water and oil! Very obvious. Interesting for me is that those people connected from lower chakras are majority and people involved from their harts are really rare. When I encounter those Divine couples, they radiate and move my heart also, and it is indeed a blessing for all. True love and partnership are always welcomed and supported by Divine since they radiate genuine love to the world. Understanding between soul mates comes from much higher and deeper place, which surpasses this reality and is hard to explain. Another intriguing thing is that those other people, who connect with other from lower chakras, they are so full of them self and their partners, and in many ways, they are like: this is the biggest love ever. So, funny. Indeed, there are many illusions but only one truth around soul mates. Human love is not substitution but extension of God (Divine) love. Passion is love in action.

  1. I have a God’s highest definition and perspective what soul mates truly are.

  2. I understand from Divine perspective what soul mates’ relationships are, how they look like, how they feel.

  3. I know the difference from sexual cravings and true passion.

  4. I deserve true love.

  5. Love is always supported by the Universe.

  6. The universe is love.

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