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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic

Mystical world

Updated: May 28, 2024

“In reality, in my world and in the mystical world, practically nothing is logical because logic always requires straight lines and precision. In my experience, straight lines and precision are a rarity in the mystical world, although they do exist, since the mystical world embraces all form.”

The first thing I mention to my clients is that in our session there is no logic or some modern psychology (which is not bad at all), but suggesting to be open for things to happen beyond any logic. Logic is good, but I think that is a part of physical mind, related to EGO personality where this EGO mind wants to explain everything and make it logical. And this is fine to some point, since it has its own limitations.

The world outside logic is limitless!

Everything is possible!

Every healing, every outcome is equally possible and achievable.

That’s when people say: let the God/Universe take care of that. Exactly! Also, logic is different than common sense and discernment. Discernment is something necessary in mystical/spiritual world. You need to learn to discern energies, same way like you do with people. You need to learn what is good for you and what is not. I like the terms “horizontal and vertical wisdom.” Horizontal wisdom is just that logical, collecting facts, hoarding many relevant and irrelevant information, thinking in a way 1+1 gives 2. But vertical wisdom is way much better! It is wisdom which is not collected, but given in the moment. That is like intuition. You just know what you need to know in a time when it is needed. Period. You do not know EVERYTHING. You do not know things in advance, you do not worry yourself in advance you are just LIVING in A Moment. How beautiful is that? Imagine that. Like things are just revealing to you in a right moment, and there is also trust that it would be like that. Nikola Tesla stated for himself that he had never remembered anything, he just knew what he needed to know and created unimaginable things! He is the one who changed our reality completely! Wireless electricity is just one amongst many things that he created and gifted to humanity, but people even today do not see the logic in it! Why would it be like that-it is not logical to give it for free?! Horizontal wisdom is also when Einstein claims that the top speed is the speed of light, and this is perfectly true in a logical world with limitations. But guess what, the vertical wisdom man – Nikola Tesla has claimed that in the Universe the speed of light is actually just initial speed, the lowest one! You cannot conceive that by human everyday logic, right? So, vertical wisdom opens the door of unlimited possibilities.

Why is that important?

Because life is unpredictable, I see everyday people are trying to predict their own life. They try to live their life by using just logic and past experiences conclusions. In many everyday situations like: previous time this line in a supermarket was the fastest and now I am going to wait exactly in that line again in order not to wait. How super smart I am! I know everything! But it doesn’t work like that at all.  And this kind of thinking they are applying to every other situation, applying to the life of others like their own children. They are constantly in future expectations based on past experiences. But reality is constantly changing, and social rules that were applied to your childhood are not relevant nowadays! You need to adapt; you need to live in the present moment using vertical wisdom and your own intuition and discernment to resolve present challenges. Past experiences are useless for current situations. New time creates new measures, new types of behavior and similar. Everything is constantly changing! So, you cannot approach to the new situation, applying the old way/method! You must create some new approach, and that’s what makes difference and what is learning and overcoming challenges. Living in a present! Knowledge from past life experiences is accumulating on spiritual level (not conscious level), and that is also vertical wisdom. That’s why some people are excellent parents per example because maybe they had already mastered it in some other lifetimes. They do not need to remember that consciously, to go on some education related to parenthood they just know everything when it is needed. And after their children grow up, they just don’t use that knowledge anymore, they do not go around and preach. Their wisdom is irrelevant for somebody else, its applies only for the person itself. It is personal, not universal.

  1. I know that I create my own reality.

  2. I trust my intuition.

  3. I know what discernment is from the highest/God’s perspective.

  4. My own wisdom is important for my life.

  5. Others have free will to use their own wisdom.

  6. I know what is best for me.

  7. We are not here for the same reasons.

  8. Everybody has its own life path which is unique and valuable.

  9. Different situations require different approaches.

  10. Changes are normal and constant part of life.

  11. I see changes like the door of opportunities.

  12. I think with my own head.

  13. I am open for miracles in my life.

  14. I allow miracles.

  15. I am a miracle.

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