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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic

Resolving challenges

Updated: May 28, 2024

Don’t run away from mundane things in order to be more spiritual.

Embrace you daily challenges, embrace your ordinary things.

In the way you are dealing with everyday matters lies all your spirituality! It is the key!

Do not consider your challenges in life trivial. Do not think that going to a grocery store is irrelevant for spirituality and your growth. You can put divinity in all things! And all things could be sacred – it depends on you not of the item/person/experience itself. Your resolution of all things in your life, from small trivial things to big ones is important! Because when you resolve something in your life it goes in collective energetic pool so we can all access to that information. Understand that something you resolved is resolved for each and every one of us, it is then accessible for me too. Maybe I won’t reach out for it but it is there as opportunity which never was there before. And that is incredibly important.

By resolving your own stuff, you create new opportunities for everybody. Your ordinary life does matter. Your life contains value for all of us. You can help and serve humanity by resolving your things in your life. Your life challenges do have sense. The way you dealing with your challenges IS significant.

Spirituality lies in everyday life, how you approach to things. There is some traditional orthodox saying: “How you treat your neighbor (anyone who is near you at that moment) represent your relationship with God.” Meaning that you cannot consider yourself very spiritual and advanced human, if you do not nurture good relationships with people, if you do not like people in general and particular, if you have many arguments and disputes with people, if you are hiding from people. So, please work on your relationships of any kind, try to resolve all issues and challenges in your life. Improve your own life in any possible way, and you will progress enormously and will contribute to humanity a lot!

I heard so many times from clients: I need to go out from here, to go in some other country which is more spiritual like Bali in order to experience my peace there, etc. Please understand that you carry yourself wherever you go. Therefore, all your stuff goes with you and to the end of the planet. Your unresolved issues with father do not magically disappear if you go to some other place, because they are inside you 24/7. Additionally, please consider that your own challenges are there for reason, and are there in order to be resolved. Nothing is there to torture and punish you, but to be resolved and to teach you a valuable lesson. The Universe is highly supporting you resolving your challenges, and it is what is needed.

Challenge is the place of your growth. Embrace it!

  1. I gratefully accept my own challenges.

  2. By resolving my challenges, I grow.

  3. I know that I have everything that is necessary to resolve my challenges.

  4. I understand that my challenges are there for a valid reason.

  5. Resolutions are supported by the Universe.

  6. I am willing to deliver resolutions of any kind into my life.

  7. I am safe and protected while resolving things.

  8. Resolution can be achieved in natural, healthy, peaceful way.

  9. There can be win-win situation in everything.

  10. I am proud of myself how I am dealing things in my life.

  11. I know how to approach my life challenges from higher perspective.

  12. I am appreciative for growing through challenges.

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