Spirituality is a physical thing! Not mental.
When you love, truly and deeply, you can feel it in your body in your heart area or similar. You can feel it.
When something is shifted in your perspective, you can feel it, it goes through every cell of yours.
When the emotional pain is present, there is always some kind of pain in your body too. Maybe you feel it in your heart, in your stomach or spine, but it is there! In the same way, spirituality is physical and real.
If you do not feel it well then maybe you are not in the area of true spirituality, maybe you are just mentally comprehending things and philosophically.
That’s the way spirituality and everyday life are inseparable. It is all around you and in you presenting itself in a form of feeling.
So, spirituality is feeling. Not emotions but feeling, it is real physical feeling.
Everybody could feel this but not everybody has learned and opened to do that. Many people just running around, seeking money, surviving, constantly in the rush, just spinning in the same wheel of social obligations and never ever stop for a second to feel. They have a deep inner urge for greater insight, for deeper meaning in their lives but that never pops up because it is hidden in feelings.
The great and profound healing you can feel with every cell in your body, it's like a wave of energy flushing you all over changing everything in you on many levels.
It is an exceptional physical thing! I see people do not even know the difference between feeling and emotions and mental comprehension. Many of them come to me and while describing their lovers, partners they say: I like her because of this or that, or I like him when he is doing that, etc. It is not love. It is liking. Liking somebody is totally mental perspective, and it is fine, but it is not love. Love is a physical thing, something which lives inside your chests and body, something which you can feel but not explain how and why. It is exceptionally enjoyable when you are with a partner whom you do love and also like, it is home run combination for a lifetime! But thinking for liking somebody that it is true love is huge misunderstanding and mislead.
So, it is very important to have a clear picture of all things, especially when it comes to feelings. Pay attention to not confuse mental thinking and observation with real feelings.
Question yourself this:
Did you ever felt bad around people who are acting just fine, dressed great, fulfilling all the rules of cultural accepted behavior, did you felt that screaming voice inside you notifying you that something is terribly wrong? Did you have some bad feeling in your body around that person beside his/her beautiful looking and talking? That’s feeling, that’s the real deal.
Look for people and experience where you do have a good feeling in your body. That’s what every day spirituality is all about. Look for true feelings because those would put you on the right track and will fulfill your destiny here.
Focus on feelings and allow mental comprehension to follow those feelings and not to lead.
Let your feelings clearing and illuminating the path for you.
You want to be more spiritual? Then allow more feelings. You are spiritual if you can feel intensely not if you are just capable for outstanding mentally processing.
Remember: you can be spiritual and have feelings and mentally comprehension at the same time.
You are spiritual with having just feelings, but you are not spiritual if you are just going through the life mentally with lacking of feelings.
I acknowledge my feelings.
I accept my own feelings.
I am expressing all my feelings in a healthy, natural and benevolent way.
I listen and pay attention to other people feelings.
I act accordingly to my feelings.
I trust my own feelings.
I am safe with my feelings.
Others are safe with my feelings.
Having feelings is a good thing and for everyone.
I can have feelings and common sense at the same time.
Heart and brain do come together.
My heart is my beacon through life.