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Writer's pictureJasmina Arsic


Updated: May 29, 2024

I've heard many times spiritual people are saying: Oooo..I am from Pleiades, or I am from this or that planet or star system… They say they are something special because of that, that makes them to be something “more than just a human”. Like human is something really limited and bad to be?!

I think that this is not the highest perception and here is why.

Let’s start from the beginning.

PAST LIVES DO NOT EXIST, actually.  ???? So, how come is that?

The TIME does not exist. It is just here on Earth that we have perception of time, experience of time. And that experience of time is real don’t get me wrong.

But time is actually MORE SIMULTANEOUS and LESS LINEAR.


All your past/future life experiences, together with lives possibly on other planets and different kind of existence, are happening just now.

You can use that model of linear time if you wish in order to get better understanding or explanation of something. But understand that that is just a model not reality itself.

Interesting, right?

So, it is maybe better to use term CONNECTIONS instead of PAST LIVES.

Then, we could say that you – as EVERYBODY, have some kind of connections with Pleiades, or Sirius star system and so.

It is perfectly normal and not unusual at all for everybody to have some connections with some planet or star system. Sorry, special spiritual guys you are not in that term special at all since every person has that connections also.

Congratulations! You are now free to detach yourself from all your past lives and to start to focus on this one, here and now! Right?

So, when some spiritual guys ask you - where are you from, from which planet? What would you say then? I am from Earth. Since we are all here now, that is our experience now. We are all Earthlings with different connections. We are all HUMANS which is a big deal, and something more not less. Doesn’t this sound more expanding, also more like we are all equal and special and that we are all here with some important abilities not just THE CHOSEN ONES? You know why it sounds like that, like expanding and comforting? Cause it is true.

We are all pieces of big puzzle. Each part is important and each part plays some specific role. There are not some pieces in this puzzle which are more important or more special than the other. And you know what? The puzzle is not complete without each and every one of you/us. You are interested in spiritual growing, ascension? Hmmm, good for you! but sorry to inform you – we will do it together, collectively with individual contributions.


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